Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman Legacy, known in Japan as Kinnikuman II sei, is a manga and anime series made by Yoshinori Nakai and Takashi Shimada under the pen name Yudetamago. It is the sequel to the hit manga Kinnikuman that they started in 1979. The toy line of Kinnikuman was released in North America as M.U.S.C.L.E.. The name of Ultimate Muscle was chosen to connect the Americanized storyline of the M.U.S.C.L.E. toyline of the 1980s into the anime. Bandai also produced intermittently distributed toy tie-ins during the initial run of Ultimate Muscle.
as Alexandria Meat
as Mantaro Muscle
as Terry / Ricardo (voice)
as Seiuchin
as Gazelleman
as Keiko
as Rinko Nikaidō
as Terryman
as Warsman
as Check Mate / Comrade Turbinski (voice)
as Announcer Yoshigai
as Harabote Muscle
as Kazuo Nakano
as Tamaki Maekawa
as Kevin Mask
as Ikemen Muscle
as Ikemen Muscle
as Brocken Jr.
as Harabote Muscle (voice)
Full cast details coming soon!