Poor Nastya is a Russian telenovela originally aired from 31 October 2003 to 30 April 2004 on the STS. Based on the imperial setting of the 19th century, the series reached international success and was shown in Ukraine, China, Israel, Serbia, Georgia, Greece, Bulgaria and more than twenty countries worldwide. With the budget of $11,8million, it is the most expensive Russian television project of all time. The sequel was planned, but had not been made yet.
as Анна
as барон Владимир Иванович Корф
as Михаил Репнин
as княжна Елизавета Петровна «Лиза» Долгорукая
as Tsesarevich Alexander
as княжна Наталья Александровна Репнина
as Андрей Долгорукий
as княгиня Мария Алексеевна Долгорукая
as Андрей Платонович Забалуев
as Полина
as Николай I
as императрица Александра Федоровна
as Принцесса Мария
as Барон Корф
as Татьяна
as князь Пётр Михайлович Долгорукий
as Рада
as Оболенский
Full cast details coming soon!