The series centers social issues on the rural society revolving around the concept of Vanni, the series shows moral lessons against common issues such as gender discrimination. Depicting the Vanni concept storyline revolves around the journey of Sammi, a young girl who was sold off by her family to the Chaudhry family where her brother had killed her fiancé. Simultaneously it revolves around reality based issues with different characters within the same plot.
as Chandi
as Rashid
as Riaz Jutt
as Sammi Jutt
as Salima
as Naheed
as Chaudhry Rab Nawaz Raja
as Salar
as Zulekha Chaudhry
as Aaliyan
as Zarina
as Waqas Jutt
as Nargis Jutt
as Fazal-ud-din Jamaluddin (Ba Fazal)
as Bilquis
as Naheed's sister-in-law
as Naheed's brother
as Pervaiz
Full cast details coming soon!