Mizuki Hijiri, is a high school girl who just transferred schools. At her new school, she has a fateful encounter with boys suffering from chuunibyou (adolescent delusions of grandeur). There is Noda who dreams of becoming a hero, the tragically handsome otaku Takashima who only likes 2D girls, Nakamura the supposedly "reincarnated" angel or devil (he can't decide which), and the self-professed string-puller Tsukumo.
as Tomoki Takashima
as Futaba Mikuriya
as Mizuki Hijiri
as Yamato Noda
as Hideaki Kabumoto
as Rei Tsukumo
as Watase Nanako
as Sekiya Takumi
as Sora
as Faust
Full cast details coming soon!