Mano Reiji, a man who experienced a gruesome incident, is a forensic researcher at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's Investigative Science Research Institute. Under the belief that "appraisal will result in the truth" and with his vast knowledge, Mano approaches cases from a view point that differs from others. On the other hand, Sawaguchi Nonna (Araki Yuko) is a rookie forensic researcher that begins working with the no nonsense Mano. They are forced to work together on a murder case.
as Reiji Mano
as Nonna Sawaguchi
as Eri Mizusawa
as Kazuomi Sagara
as Ritsuko Kaizuka
as Yuto Inose
as Ryohei Toramaru
as Hiroki Dan
as Kiyoshi Enami
as Kanna Sawaguchi
as Toru Okita
as Yoshikazu Minamoto
as Hitomi Minamoto
as Kiminori Minamoto
Full cast details coming soon!