The Most Popular Girls in School (abbreviated MPGIS) is an American stop-motion animated comedy web series that debuted on YouTube on May 1, 2012. Created by Mark Cope and Carlo Moss, the series animates Barbie, Ken and other fashion dolls, usually with customized costumes and hairstyles, as various characters. MPGIS follows the exploits of a fictional high school cheerleading team in Overland Park, Kansas and their friends, family and enemies. Variety described the series as "Mean Girls meets South Park".
as Brittnay Matthews
as Mackenzie Zales
as Jonathan "Than" Getslinhaumer
as Tanner Christiansen
as Blaine McClaine
as Shay Van Buren
as Saison Margeurite
as Cameron Van Buren
as Lunch Lady Belinda
as Rachel Tice
as Matthew Derringer
as Deandra
as Shaw
as Ashley Katchadourian
as Connor Devarnan
as Trisha Cappelletti
as Principal Nubbins
Full cast details coming soon!