Fang of the Sun Dougram is a 75-episode anime television series, created by Ryosuke Takahashi and Sunrise, and aired in Japan from October 23, 1981 to March 25, 1983 on TV Tokyo. A 1983 full-length feature film, Dougram: Documentary of the Fang of the Sun, summarized the series.
as Krin
as Rocky
as Canary
as Chico
as Fester
as Billy
as Nanashi
as Hackle
as Daisey
as David
as Donan
as Herumuto
as Woldran
as Dick
as J Rock
as Reck
as Fon
as Jackie
as Blink
as Cole
as Rabin / Hank (voice)
as Roil
as Watokinsu
as Fina
as Heshi
as George
as Rita
as Aron
as Emond
as Dark
as Jokku
as Oppe
as Morea
Full cast details coming soon!