Seeking an escape from his mundane life, high-schooler Keita Amishima stumbles into the secret life of an agent of UNDER ANCHOR - a covert organisation combating cyber terrorism. Keita isn't alone, as he is partnered with an A.I. - the Phone Braver "Seven".
Together, Keita and Seven work to counter cyber crimes, all the while dealing with the machinations of a rogue Phone Braver, "Zero One".
as Keita Amishima
as Sosuke Takimoto
as Chigusa Mimasaka
as Daiki Kirihara
as Toko Asano
as Mayuko Hasekura
as Kohei Mito
as Phone Braver 7 (voice)
as Phone Braver 01 (voice)
as Phone Braver 3 (voice)
Full cast details coming soon!