Irie plays Hiiragi Haru, a third-year high school student with no real interest in women or higher education, instead choosing to live his life idly. When he notices a first-year student named Harukawa Koto being bullied, he lends her a hand, and the two form a “goldfish club” just for themselves. While love begins to bloom between them, the bullying against Koto continues to escalate. --- Tokyograph
as Hiiragi Haru
as Harukawa Koto
as Kida Kayoko
as Yanagihashi Sho
as Motoi Takaya
as Ueno Saori
as Shishido Kimika
as Sogabe Nana
as Kirigaya Akane
as Mamiya Junya
as Aya
as Mizuki Yozo
Full cast details coming soon!