Holmes, a young man whose family runs an antique shop in Kyoto, has the unique ability to read people and instantly distinguish genuine and high value antiques. When a local high school student, Aoi Maki, starts working alongside Holmes, together they begin to unravel the many mysteries surrounding the antiques brought to the shop.
as Aoi Mashiro (voice)
as Kiyotaka Yagashira (voice)
as Akihito Kajiwara (voice)
as Enshō (voice)
as Rikyū Takiyama (voice)
as Seiji Yagashira (voice)
as Takeshi Yagashira (voice)
as Kaori Miyashita (voice)
as Saori Miyashita (voice)
as Yoshie Takiyama (voice)
Full cast details coming soon!