Sunshine is a three-part comedy drama that began on 7 October 2008 on BBC1 from the co-writers of The Royle Family and Early Doors. These co-writers, Craig Cash and Phil Mealey, also appear in the series.
as Bing Crosby
as George Crosby
as Bernadette Crosby
as Joe Crosby
as Bob
as Andy
as Greg
as Eddie
as Bulldog
as Mr Todd
as Philip
as Doreen
as Big Alan
as Irishman
as Joan
as Bernard
as Donna
as Jennifer
as Terry
as Robert
as Richard
as Joyce
as Brenda
as Football Coach
as Landlady
as Mr Roberts
as Dr Symes
as Mr Lister
as Receptionist
as Midwife
as Nurse
as Shopkeeper
as Hospital Doctor
as Job Interviewer #1
as Job Interviewer #2
as Young Bing
as Young Bernadette
as Weather Girl - Herself
Full cast details coming soon!