Based on a novel by mystery writer Keigo Higashino, Ryūsei no Kizuna tells the story of three orphans, whose parents were murdered long ago. Together, the three vowed on a shooting star to one day avenge their parents. After many years, the two brothers have found the murderers, and are set to carry out their plan for vengeance when they realize they've made a serious miscalculation; you see, their sister...
as Ariake Koichi
as Ariake Taisuke
as Ariake Shizuna
as Kashiwabara Yasutaka
as Togami Yukinari
as Takayama Hisanobu
as Hayashi George
as Togami Masayuki
as Toko Ariake
as Ariake Yukihiro
as Sagi
as 有明泰輔
as 有明静奈
as 戸神貴美子
as 矢崎信郎
as 矢崎秀子
as 萩村信二
as 係長
as 西郷一矢
as 沢井武雄
as ちえみ
as ちえみ
as 月村勝男
as 桂木美和
as 寺西
as 泰輔の幼少時代の担任
as 有明功一
Full cast details coming soon!