Chousoku Henkei Gyrozetter or Chō Soku Henkei Gyrozetter (literally Hyper Speed Transformation Gyrozetter) is a multimedia franchise created by Square Enix, spanning a transforming Japanese arcade game, a manga series written by Ryutaro Ichmura and illustrated by Teruaki Mizuno, and an anime series by A-1 Pictures on the Fall 2012 Anime lineup.
as Kakeru Todoroki (voice)
as Rinne Inaba (voice)
as Shunsuke Hayami (voice)
as Michinori "Michie" Hane (voice)
as Satori Miwa (voice)
as Rui Akana (voice)/Kaede Suzukawa (voice)
as Claude (voice)
as Commander Hisaishi (voice)
as Eraser01 / Souta Gunji (voice)
as Goat (voice)
as Haruka (voice)
as Touma (voice)
as Mic Man Seki (voice)
Full cast details coming soon!