An epic animation about four 'average' girls who have superpowers. They get into endless adventures while trying to balance the world of fairies with the human one.
as Leshy
as Black Mouse
as Vasilisa Vasilevna the Wise
as Mayor of Myshkin
as Маша
as Джинн Толик, Цветик-семицветик, Фома, Ерёма, Карабас-Барабас, Дед Мороз, голос во сне Алёнки, мультяшный кот, Кот-учёный (иллюзия Морока), Леший (иллюзия Морока) доп. голоса
as Варя
as Алёнка
as Снежка, Мальвина, доп. голоса
as Кот-учёный
as Баба-Яга
as Экскурсовод
Full cast details coming soon!