The story revolves around Raul, a boy who did not become a Hero, since the demon lord was already defeated just before his Hero exams. His dreams dashed, Raul spends his days working at a magic shop in the capital. One day, a part-time job seeker appears at the shop with an amazing résumé: Name: Fino Previous Occupation: Demon Lord Heir Motive: Because my father was defeated The work comedy revolves around this former Hero-in-training and the daughter of the demon lord.
as Phino Bloodstone
as Raul Chaser
as Airi Ortinet
as Seara August
as Visor Crossroads
as Lamdimia Do Aximemor
as Elsa Crucial
as Lore Beliferal
as Raid Mirroring
as Cuan Segment
as Ciel Script
as Eric Fritz
as Nova Luminous
Full cast details coming soon!