Set in a part of Tokyo that has descended into a quagmire, the story follows Unit 8 of the 5th Special Public Security Section's 3rd Mobile Assault Division — popularly called "The Eighth" — who don powered armor "Willware" exoskeletons to counter the rise in crime. Assistant inspector Asami Kazari is assigned to The Eighth with the task of assessing the unit's status and reporting it to her superiors. But her true goal is to rehabilitate this sloppy, haphazard, justice-less group.
as Souichirou Sena (voice)
as Takeru Kuroki (voice)
as Asami Kazari (voice)
as Haruka Hoshimiya (voice)
as Tomoki Hachijou (voice)
as Koutarou Inagi (voice)
as Rin Yamabuki (voice)
as Mythos (voice)
as Madoka Amano (voice)
as Tomoki Hachijou (voice)
as Liko (voice)
as Yasuharu Funasaka (voice)
as Marimo Kaburagi (voice)
as Namihei Sado (voice)
as Abigail Martinez (voice)
as Kyoukai-sama (voice)
as Emilia Edelman (voice)
Full cast details coming soon!