The sovereign Greek island of Ithaca, 8th century B.C. The Trojan War has been over for ten years, and the Greeks have come home victorious. Only one man is missing: the king of Ithaca, Odysseus, who is lost at sea. The island’s economy is getting worse by the day as the region’s many princes have invaded the kingdom, devouring its resources, and pressuring Queen Penelope to choose a new husband. To delay her suitors, she promises to choose once she’s finished weaving King Laertes’ burial shroud. But she undoes her work every night. Odysseus’ son Telemachus doesn’t dare lay claim to his father’s throne. His only dream is to sail out to rescue Odysseus.
as Cléa
as Pénèlope
as Ulyssé
as Telemaco
as Mentore
as Eurynome
as Theano
as Orione
as Leocrito
as Eukharistos
as Thyoscos
as Antinoo
as Laerte
as Leode
as Comédien #3
as Garde Hélène
as Esclave
as Arété
as Prétendent (Uncredited)
as Jeune Ithaque
as Esclave
as Dolios
as Esclave (Uncredited)
as Nausicaa
Full cast details coming soon!