In a comedic blend of mayhem and domesticity, Yoon Tae Soo takes up not one, but two high-stakes roles: head of the house and gangster kingpin. As the hardworking breadwinner of his family, Tae Soo may seem like just another loving father who’s trying to get by, but when he says he’ll stop at nothing to ensure his family’s happiness and security, he really means it.
as Yoon Tae-soo
as Kim Eun-ok
as Baek Ki-beom
as Lee Do-kyung
as Baek Man-bo
as Yoon Sung-min
as Baek Hyun-ji
as Bong Jin-wook
as Kim Eun-Sil
as Ma Hee-do
as Yoon Soo-min
as Oh Joo-Ran
as Bong Jin-Wook
as Lee Joon-Suk
as Yoon Soo-Min
as Kang Sung-Goo
as Son Se-Woon
as Park Sun-Young
as Choi Gyung-Mi
Full cast details coming soon!