Set in the 1930s, “Fortress Besieged” follows the misadventures of Fang Hung-chien, a bumbling everyman who wastes his time studying abroad, and secures a fake degree when learning he has run out of money and must return home to China. Fang was the son of a country gentleman. A marriage had been arranged for him while at university, but the intended wife died before he could see her.
as 方鸿渐
as 孙柔嘉
as 苏文纨
as 唐晓芙
as 赵辛楣
as 李梅亭
as 鲍小姐
as 周厚卿
as 周太太
as 周效成
as 沈先生
as 曹元朗
as 褚慎明
as 董斜川
as 高松年
as 韩学愈
as 陆子潇
as 教育部专员
as 范懿
as 汪处厚
as 汪太太
as 刘东方
as 方鹏图
as 二弟媳
as 赵母
as 孙柔嘉姑妈
as 苏州寡妇
Full cast details coming soon!