High school student Eruna Ichinomiya enters the Mikagura Academy dreaming of a boarding school life filled with beauty. However, Eruna finds out that in the culture clubs, there is a rule that battles that are fought with special powers decide a club representative's treatment. Through various circumstances, Eruna becomes a representative of a club, and is thrown into the fray.
as Bimii (voice)
as Yuuto Akama (voice)
as Otone Fujishiro (voice)
as Eruna Ichinomiya (voice)
as Asuhi Imizu (voice)
as Kyouma Kuzuryuu (voice)
as Seisa Mikagura (voice)
as Sadamatsu Minatogawa (voice)
as Shigure Ninomiya (voice)
as Himi Yasaka (voice)
Full cast details coming soon!