Maghihintay Pa Rin or Bitter Sweet Life is a Filipino drama television series created by Dode Cruz, developed by Kit Villanueva-Langit and produced by GMA Network. It premiered on June 10, 2013 on the network's coveted Afternoon Prime block, replacing Bukod Kang Pinagpala, and on June 12, 2013 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV. The series headlines Bianca King, Rafael Rosell and Dion Ignacio playing the three main characters. It executive produced by Darling Pulido-Torres and directed by Don Michael Perez. The series concluded its sixteen-week run on September 27, 2013, comprising seventy nine episodes, and replaced by Magkano Ba ang Pag-ibig? on its timeslot.
The forty-five minute scripted drama narrates the story of ill-fated lovers Kiko Sebastian and Geneva de Villa and the odds that they try to beat, including social status and their conflicting families.
as Geneva "Gen" de Villa
as Francisco "Kiko" Sebastian
as Orlando "Orly" Ramirez
as Ricky Alvarado
as Trinidad Sebastian
as Grace Lim
as Cholo Sebastian
as Milan
as Francisco "Franz" de Villa Sebastian Jr.
as Stella Ramirez
as Yvette Chua-Villafuerte
as Lance Villafuerte
as Catriona "Rio" de Villa
as Lita Sebastian
as Sebastian
as Leni
Full cast details coming soon!