The story takes place between the 1920s and 1950s in Greater São Paulo. Going through historical moments, such as the Week of Modern Art, the Revolution of 1924, the economic crisis of 1929 and the Vargas Era, there is the story of Yolanda Penteado, a young woman from a traditional family of São Paulo's high society, who arouses admirations to go through. She had never been easily involved with any other admirer until she meets Martim, a young medical student who catches her eye. However, he was an advocate of the anarchist movement, causing disapproval of Yolanda's mother, Guiomar, but the two will fight to get together, even with the disapproval of the family.
as Yolanda Penteado
as Martim Paes de Almeida
as Cicillo Matarazzo
as Elisa Furtado
as Bernardo Sousa Borba
as Raquel Rosenberg
as Fernão Queiroz Chaves
as Ana Schmidt
as Rodolfo Sousa Borba
as Madiano Mattei
as Tarsila do Amaral
as Osvald de Andrade
as Anita Malfatti
as Mário de Andrade
as Alberto Santos Dumont
as Soledad
as Guiomar Penteado
as Coronel Totonho
as Maria Luísa Sousa Borba
as João Cândido Sousa Borba (Candinho)
as Maria Laura Sousa Borba
as Úrsula Schmidt da Silva (Ucha)
as Miragaia
as Lídia Rosenberg
as David Rosemberg
as Frederico Schmidt da Silva
as Assis Chateaubriand
as Pagu
as Luís Martins Gonçalves
as Cândido Portinari
as Menotti Del Pichia
as Ernesto da Silva
as Frida Schmidt da Silva
as Olívia Guedes Penteado
as Juvenal Penteado
as Senador Freitas Valle
as Avelino
as Kazuo Fujihara
Full cast details coming soon!