The series follows Marietjie Barnhoorn, the estranged wife of a successful businessman; Leana Steyn, the private secretary of an elderly business tycoon, who is ruthless in her ambitions to overcome her impoverished past; and aging ballerina Mercia Meyer, who returns to South Africa after living and working abroad and has to deal with the hostility of her fellow South Africans.
as Stienie Steyn
as Leana Steyn-Jooste-Beyers
as Bruce Beyers
as Marietjie Barnhoorn
as Andries Barnhoorn
as Wessel Barnhoorn
as Mercia Meyer
as Anna Meyer
as Doreen van Langhans
as Sarie van Langhans
as Kobus Dreyer
as Hettie
as Herman Celliers
as Suzie Bruwer
as Annette Malan
as Tersia Hofmeyer
as Willie Snyders
Full cast details coming soon!