Follow the adventures and misadventures of Penny, a 14-year-old African American girl who's doing her best to navigate through the early years of teen-dom. Penny's every encounter inevitably spirals into bigger than life situations filled with hi-jinks, hilarity and heart. Her quest to balance her home, school and social lives are further complicated by friends like the sassy Dijonay, Penny's nemesis LaCienega Boulevardez, her loving, if not over-protective parents and her hip-to-the-groove-granny, Suga Mama.
as Penny Proud (voice)
as Oscar Proud (voice)
as BeBe Proud / CeCe Proud / Puff (voice)
as Trudy Parker-Proud (voice)
as Suga Mama Proud (voice)
as LaCienega Boulevardez (voice)
as Sticky Webb (voice)
as Zoey Howzer (voice)
as Dijonay Jones (voice)
Full cast details coming soon!