The events revolve around the Wali of Justice Stan (Abu Shuja), the just governor who handles the affairs of a state that has lived in the shadow of his justice and generosity of morals for a long time. Illegal Profit draws up a plan to remove the governor and the Minister of Cheb (Badran)
as معروف / أبو شجاع
as دليلة بنت محتار
as ذياب
as أيوب
as زجران
as جرناسة
as العم درويش
as نطاح
as بدران
as القاضي أبو المعالي
as فانوس
as جوهر
as نمر
as حمدان
as شموس
as شدغم
as عبدون
as هبوب
as ذويب
Full cast details coming soon!