Crazy Heart is a Turkish action, drama and political television series directed by Osman Sinav. The series, which started on Show TV on October 5, 1998, was released on the fourth season, the last season of the ATV. Crazy Heart , composed of 113 episodes published in 4 seasons, ended on June 24, 2002.
as Yusuf Miroğlu
as Savaş Doğan
as Nazlı
as Ali
as Gülçin
as Kuşçu Hamza
as Sabri
as Ağabey
as Zeynep
as Osman Usta
as Kara Hamit
as Oktay
as Naci
as Zeynep
as Yakup Efe
as Fahri Baba
as Cihan
as Bozo
as Ayşegül
as İsa
Full cast details coming soon!