The Bobobobs are a group of nomadic miniature humanoids with psychic powers who live in a part of the universe far away from the Earth. A crew of Bobobobs, led by captain Bob Wouter, sets sail in the Bobular Quest towards Earth to save the humans from dinosaurs. Along the way, they encounter a variety of different alien species, some of which are hostile.
as Capità Bob Wouter (voice)
as Cornelius (voice)
as Petit Wouter (voice)
as Blush (voice)
as Wilbur (voice)
as Petronella (voice)
as A.D. (voice)
as Fritz (voice)
as Tieta Àgatha (voice)
as Odd (voice)
as Sodd (voice)
as Pievus (voice)
as Mimí (voice)
as Dr. Os (voice)
Full cast details coming soon!