Jack the Ripper is a 1988 two-part television film/miniseries portraying a fictionalized account of the hunt for Jack the Ripper, the unidentified serial killer responsible for the Whitechapel murders of 1888. The series coincided with the 100th anniversary of the murders.
as Inspector Frederick Abberline
as Emma
as Sergeant George Godley
as Richard Mansfield
as Mary Jane Kelly
as George Lusk
as O'Connor
as Dr. Acland
as Beggar
as Coroner Wynne Baxter
as Sergeant Kerby
as Sir Charles Warren
as Rodman
as CopyBoy
as Sir William Gull
as Catherine Eddowes
as Robert James Lees
as Bowyer
as Isenschmid
as P.C. Watkins
as Assistant Commissioner
as Inspector Spratling
as Lanyon
as Dr Bagster Phillips
as Liz Stride
as Pickpocket
as Millie
as Mt. Thackery
as Henry Matthews
as DCS Arnold
as Lady Gull
as Annie Chapman
as Newsvendor
as Diemschutz
Full cast details coming soon!