Pintada is a Philippine daytime television drama that is aired locally via the Philippine's biggest media conglomerate, ABS-CBN and worldwide via The Filipino Channel replacing the now defunct PHR series entitled Hiyas on its Kapamilya Gold timeslot
Pintada is the 16th installment of the Precious Hearts Romances series, and is topbilled by Denise Laurel and Martin del Rosario. The series is based on the Filipino romance pocket book Green Meadows by Arielle.
as Alysa "Lysa" Alvarez
as Severino "Sev" Monzon
as Noel Cristostomo
as Carolina Monzon
as Alberto "Albert" Sandejas
as Lorena Alvarez
as Karen Sandejas
as Victor Dela Cruz
as Taylor Alvarez
as Isabel "Isay" Alvarez
as Samantha Diño
as Jing Briones
as Edward Pascual
as Arturo "Atong" Policarpio
as Vito
as Trixie
as Girlie
as Princess
as Ms. Nolasco
as Mang Tonying
as Quintin
Full cast details coming soon!