The series exhibited several stories based on folklore and mythology , with characters such as Cuca, Saci Pererê and Iara from Brazilian folklore and then later with several characters from fairytales, fables, literature and greek mythology. The residents of Sítio, Emília, Narizinho, Pedrinho, Dona Benta and Tia Nastacia live several adventures with a lot of the mystery and dangers that haunt the remote town of Arraial do Tucanos.
as Da Graça
as Iara
as Dona Benta
as Tia Nastácia
as Narizinho
as Pedrinho
as Emília
as Visconde de Sabugosa
as Tio Barnabé
as Rabicó
as Saci Pererê
as Cuca
as Barão de Tremembé
as Minerva
as Libério
as Padre Benedito
as Zé Cabreiro
as Ching Ling
as Jeca Tatu
as Caipora
as Coronel Teotônico
as Dona Miúda
as Arlindo Orlando
as Dona Carmela
as Elias Turco
as Delegado Perilúcio
Full cast details coming soon!