Walang Hanggan is a classic Philippine television drama aired by ABS-CBN and worldwide on The Filipino Channel, featuring an ensemble cast. The series is loosely based on the 1991 Gomez-Zulueta film Hihintayin Kita Sa Langit, a film based on the Emily Brontë novel, Wuthering Heights. The drama became a huge hit maintaining the top spot in viewer ratings for most of its run, with its final episode on October 26, 2012 attaining its highest rating of 45.4% nationwide.
as Daniel Guidotti / Daniel Montenegro
as Katerina Alcantara
as Emilia "Emily" Cardenas-Guidotti
as Marco Montenegro
as Virginia "Henya" Cruz
as Margaret Cruz-Montenegro
as Nathaniel "Nathan" Montenegro
as Johanna Montenegro / Patricia Bonifacio
as Tomas Alcantara
as Jane Bonifacio-Montenegro / Jean "Black Lily" Bonifacio
as Jane Bonifacio-Montenegro / Jean "Black Lily" Bonifacio
as Miguel Ramos
Full cast details coming soon!