H2O is a Canadian political drama two-part miniseries that first aired on the CBC Television October 31, 2004. It starred Paul Gross and Leslie Hope, with former politician Belinda Stronach making a cameo appearance. Written by Gross and John Krizanc and directed by Charles Binamé, it was nominated for five Gemini Awards and four DGC Craft Awards. It won one Golden Nymph Award for best actor.
as Thomas David McLaughlin
as Sgt. Leah Collins
as Marc Lavigne
as Julia McLaughlin
as Don Pritchard / Lt. Daniel Holt
as U.S. Ambassador Conrad
as Sally
as Grand Chief Katie Blackfire
as Willy
as Clark
as Cam Ritchie
as Marie Lavigne
as U.S. President Monroe
as Police Chief
as Deever
as Doug McKay
as Nate Morgan
as Deirdre Milnes
as Christy Berger
as Jim, McLaughlin's aide
as McLaughlin's aide
as Det. Michel Duguay
as Québec Premier Marcel Coté
as Michael Cameron
as Randall Spear
Full cast details coming soon!