Strike at Heart is a Hong Kong period wuxia television series based on Wen Ruian's novel, A Spear of Alarm produced by TVB. The series stars Joe Ma, Sunny Chan, Stephen Au, Charmaine Sheh, Nnadia Chan and Annie Man. It was filmed in 2004 and released overseas in January 2005. Then it was aired in Hong Kong on TVB Pay Vision's TVB Drama channel from 27 May to 23 June 2009.
as Chu Kot Ching Ngor
as Yuen Sap Sam Han
as Hui Siu Yat (Tin Yee Householder)
as Siu Keng
as Fu Ting Ling Fung (Chik Nui)
as Mung Tip
as Choi King
as 米公公
Full cast details coming soon!