Set in the 1960s, the story of the Akarsu family includes Ali, Cemile and their four children: Berrin, a law student, Aylin and Mete, high school students, and 5 year old Osman. Ali begins an affair with Caroline, a Dutch woman, which leads to the disintegration of the family.
as Cemile Akarsu
as Caroline Enke- Akarsu
as Berrin Akarsu
as Mete Akarsu
as Osman Akarsu
as Aylin Akarsu
as Hasefe Akarsu
as Soner Talaşoğlu
as Arif
as Kemal Akarsu
as Neriman Akarsu
as Mesude Akarsu
as Ahmet Taşer
as Hakan Tatlıoğlu
as Bahar
as Süleyman
as Ekrem Tatlıoğlu
as İbo
as Osman (Dış Ses)
as Mithat
Full cast details coming soon!