A striking drama of the amazingly gifted surgeon Zaizen Goro, caught up by his desire for power and fame, and his contemporary physician Satomi Shuji, who selflessly continues a quest to save human lives. The Great White Tower is the title of a representative novel by Toyoko Yamazaki that depicts the hidden side of the medical world and the dignity of human life, thus shocking and moving many readers, marking a milestone in medical dramas. A dense human drama develops starting with the first half, which depicts the tragicomic circumstances arising from human ambition in the selection of professors, and proceeding to the second half, which inquires into the dignity of human life through a medical court case involving a malpractice suit.
as 财前五郎
as 里见修二
as 花森庆子
as 东佐知子
as 里见三知代
as 鹈饲良一
as 东贞藏
as 东政子
as 财前又一
as 财前杏子
as 大河内清作
as 菊川昇
as 林田加奈子
as 柳原弘
as 竹内雄太
as 龟山君子
as 佐佐木良江
as 关口仁
as 国平学文
Full cast details coming soon!