Robson Arms follows the lives of the tenants in a once-grand low-rise in Vancouver's eclectic West End. The building is home to an unlikely collection of characters who live under one roof, yet occupy different worlds. One thing is certain, you'll never see your neighbours the same way again.
as Chuck Hoskins
as Yuri Kukoc
as Bobbi Briggs
as Nick Papathanasiou
as Sault Ste. Marie
as Hal Garcia
as Alicia Plecas-Fochs
as Fred Fochs
as Trixie Hoskins
as Stanley Wasserman
as Geoff McAlister
as Georgia Goldstein
as Bao Tan
as Grandma Tan
as Ruby Tan
as Toni Mastroianni-Tan
as Valentino Kukoc
as Janice Keneally
as Chris Colton
as Bobby Briggs
as Wayne Ross
as Caldo Vasco
as Carol Goldstein
Full cast details coming soon!