Nita Negrita is a Filipino drama series created by GMA Network. The show stars Barbie Forteza and Joshua Dionisio. Nita Negrita's original premiere date was February 14, 2011 replacing Little Star on GMA Dramarama sa Hapon block. It premiered on GMA Pinoy TV on February 17, 2011, three days after its original premiere. The show ended on June 10, 2011 and was replaced by Sinner or Saint.
as Antoinette / Nita "Netnet" Raymundo
as Prince Ramirez
as Mystica "Misty" Del Castillo
as Ima
as Mirasol "Mira" Buenaventura
as Arturo Del Castillo
as Danica
as Amanda Del Castillo
as Alexandra "Alex" Del Castillo
as Andrea Del Castillo
as Pia Antonio
as Segunda
as Edgar
as Jun Jun
as Peachy
as Seylang
Full cast details coming soon!