Petopeto-san is a light novel series by Kou Kimura, with illustrations by Yug. An anime adaptation ran from July 9, 2005 to October 1, 2005. The show takes place in a Japanese school where everything is normal, except for students from what are called "specified races." The specified races are based on yōkai from Japanese mythology; for example, one student on the swim team is a kappa, while another, a nurikabe, merges with walls and is popular in the summertime for having a very cool temperature.
as Jeremy Moriguchi
as Maruko Fujimura
as Kiyomi Akazawa
as Mrs. Asuka Yuri
as Chochomaru Sahara
as Hatoko "Petoko" Fujimura
as Kanna Maeta
as Yuuichi "Yuu-chan" Moriguchi
as Sekiya Genemon Sadatou
as Kouji Tachibana
as Kuguru Sahara
as Chie Oohashi
as Miyuki Odashima
as Shingo Ōhashi
as Waga Hachirou
as Ryuuta Katou
as Tonio Fujimura
as Shinichi Oohashi
as Keiichi Maeta
as Chikako Oohashi
Full cast details coming soon!