Seventeen-year-old Nanaka Kirisato is a high school student serious about her studies and goals in life. She frequently criticizes her best friend, Nenji Nagihara, for being a childish delinquent who spends his time fighting other boys. Then one day, after a heated argument with Nenji, she falls off a flight of stairs and suffers a brain injury, resulting in her mind reverting to that of a six-year-old. With this in mind, Nanaka's father and Nenji must keep her injury a secret as she struggles to live a normal life and grow up all over again.
as Taizou Kirisato
as Kuriko Aratama
as Nanaka Kirisato
as Yuriko Amemiya
as Nenji Nagihara
as Satsuki Arashiyama
as Jinpachi Arashiyama
as Magical Domiko
as Pikota
as Chemical Kemiko
as Yoshida
as Chie Kazamatsuri
as Mari Tsuyuki
as Yoshiko Shishido
as Yuriko Amemiya's mother
Full cast details coming soon!