Follow Wonderblocks Go and Stop, and a whole host of lovable characters, as they learn to think for themselves and work together to solve any problem that comes their way.
as Go (voice)
as Stop (voice)
as Cow (voice) / Froggy (voice)
as Hop (voice) / Moo (voice) / Tip Cereal (voice) / Forwards (voice) Put on Socks (voice)
as Big Bear (voice)
as Cluck (voice) / Pour Milk (voice) / Backwards (voice) / Splat Red (voice) / Scoop Sand (voice)
as Secret Agent Chicken (voice) / Put on Boots (voice)
as Little Frog (voice / Little Bear (voice)
as Frog (voice) / Medium Bear (voice)
as Toad (voice) / Little Hoppers (voice)
as Splat (voice) / Put Down Bowl (voice) / Left (voice) / Open Umbrella (voice) / Splat Yellow (voice) / Splat Blue (voice)
as Arty (voice) / Sheep (voice)
as Baa (voice) / Right (voice) / Tip Bucket (voice)
Full cast details coming soon!