The Tribe is a New Zealand/British post-apocalyptic fictional TV series primarily aimed at teenagers. It is set in a near-future in which all adults have been wiped out by a deadly virus, leaving the children of the world to fend for themselves. The show's focus is on an unnamed city inhabited by tribes of children and teenagers. It was primarily filmed in and around Wellington, New Zealand.
The series was created by Raymond Thompson and Harry Duffin and was developed and produced by the Cloud 9 Screen Entertainment Group in conjunction with the UK's Channel 5. It has aired on over 40 broadcast networks around the world.
as Trudy
as Ebony
as Amber
as Lex
as Salene
as Jay
as Ram
as Jack
as Gel
as Ellie
as May
as Darryl
as Ruby
as Slade
as Sammy
as Mouse
as Lottie
as Tophat
as Hawk/Token Thief/Shavehead
Full cast details coming soon!