Set in the final years of the Qing Dynasty, the drama tells the story of Rong Er, a commoner who by chance comes upon the opportunity to serve in the palace as a lady-in-waiting. Rong Er’s cooking gets acknowledged by Shouxi, a ranked palace maid, who takes her in as her disciple. Rong Er formed a relationship with Li Qi, the guard.
A eunuch murders Shouxi, and Rong Er finds herself wrapped in a conspiracy. Together with Li Qi they uncover the truth and also jointly investigate the theft of national treasures at the palace.
as Rong'er
as Li Qi
as Liu Er
as Pu Yi
as Imperial Noble Consort Dunhui
as Shou Xi
as Consort Jin
as Liu Fu Gui
as Qin Yao
as Professor Xi
as Shuang Xi
as Doro Sakura
Full cast details coming soon!