Starring Mimi Lana, a disillusioned journalist stumbles across an old polaroid camera showing pictures of tragic events from the future. Teaming up with a group of vigilantes, she embarks on missions to rescue innocent lives. But soon, the pictures begin to reveal secrets of a larger conspiracy – one that is closely tied to the death of her mother 10 years ago.
as Lia
as Edi
as Navin
as Rita
as Sara
as Hamzah
as Gibran
as Mansur
as Hassan Hashim
as Ka Hong
as Aziz
as Kamarul
as Fakhrul
as Ayie
as Zaki
as Mad
as Bob
as Inspector Chong
as Young Lia
as Young Hassan
as Young Mansur
as Mei
as Yani
as Azlina
Full cast details coming soon!