A small mining village of Kamenny, the 90s. Everyone here knows the legend about the Mistress of the mountain — the green-eyed Princess Maria Tumanova, the former owner of the emerald mines, who received the nickname Basilisk. Tumanova hid her treasures in the village, and before her death cursed everyone who dared to take possession of them... For many years, the locals even pronounce the name of the princess with caution. And only 17-year-old beauty Alyonka Koshkina defiantly defies the witchcraft of the Basilisk. On the same day, the girl's father finds a jewelry box in the mine. This discovery brings nothing but misfortune to the inhabitants. Who can resist witchcraft and bring back happiness and love?
as Алёна Кошкина-Гончарова
as Лариса Артёмова
as Татьяна Гончарова
as Роман Артёмов
as Мальцев
as Илья Гончаров
as Айнур Петровна
as подельник
as княжна Туманова
as Дмитрий Бекетов
as Кирилл Артёмов
as Юлиус, ювелир
as гинеколог
as Анна Артёмова
as медсестра
as босс
as Соня-хохлушка
as Наташа, официантка
as Слава, отшельник
as командир
as Борис Владимирович
as Жарков, начальник охраны
as сиделка
as майор в военкомате
as учитель
as Ивашка
as медсестра
as Нелли
as инспектор
as смотритель кладбища
as Стас, бармен
as дежурный
as юрист
as Голец
as Толмачёв, главарь банды
as Кошкин
as старшина
as Марьяна
as жена Гордеева
as браток
as сыщик
as психиатр
as посетитель
as Артёмов
as врач
as Кравченко
as прапорщик
as Ильич, сосед
as следователь
as чёрный копатель
as дежурный
as прапорщик
as врач
as блаженная
as ювелир
as Света, официантка
as старик
as Егор
as священник
as подельник
as капитан
as надзиратель
as работник ЗАГСа
as Глыба, священник
as врач
Full cast details coming soon!