Fasting is not all fasting, this is what the series explains through Professor Siam, who modifies every day a wrong behavior of his behaviors associated with fasting and complement to it as anom, from which we get to know the value of fasting and the divine wisdom of its imposition and determine its time.
as صيام عبدالحميد
as فوزية (زوجة صيام)
as تهاني
as والدة تهاني
as ماجد
as مدبولي
as صبري كارم
as كمال جمعة
as سعيد جابر
as ابتسام
as د/ هدى
as راندا إسماعيل
as رفقي عبدالله
as المناولي
as زبيدة عبدالحميد
as شهيرة
as عبده
as سليم (زوج زبيدة)
as إسماعيل
as طفل
as عبدالحميد
as عم حسنين
Full cast details coming soon!