In mankind's grasp for the future, a sinister foe known only as Gargoyle begins his plans to take over the world. Nadia, with the help of a young inventor, Jean Ratlique, and Captain Nemo of the submarine Nautilus, must fight to save the world from Gargoyle and Neo-Atlantis.
as Jean Roque Raltique (voice)
as Nadia la Arwall (voice)
as King / Hanson (voice)
as Marie en Carlsberg (voice)
as Grandis Granva (voice)
as Sanson (voice)
as Nemo (voice)
as Gargoyle (voice)
as Electra (voice)
as Giger (voice)
as Jean's Uncle (voice)
as Irion (voice)
as Emperor Neo (voice)
as Hamahama (voice)
as Doctor Woolar (voice)
as Captain Mayville (voice)
as Fejto (voice)
as Fuzzy (voice)
as Ayerton (voice)
Full cast details coming soon!