Khabarovsk Territory. Taiga. Pavel Likhovtsev, a senior huntsman and bear hunter, keeps an apiary in the taiga and brings up his eldest son Eugene as a real man. However, with the advent of the nineties, the apiary goes bankrupt. Pavel and his family are forced to go to Khabarovsk in search of a better life. At this time, Khabarovsk is undergoing a redistribution of spheres of influence — all power and all resources are transferred to the organized criminal group "Obshchak" — a gang that will soon become the largest criminal group in the world.
as Павел Лиховцев
as Женя в юности
as Женя в детстве
as повзрослевший Женя
as Лена
as Вася в юности
as Вася в детстве
as Лиза в юности
as Лиза в детстве
as повзрослевшая Лиза
as Тунгус
as Игорь Кармазов
as Юра Краб
as Зозуляк
as Паша, сын Лизы и Жени
as Сахно
as Кисель
as Джем
as Эва
as Лисицын
as Ильяс
as Ильяс в юности
as Шапиро
as Ольга Шаболтас
as Али
as Кирилл
as Тян
as наркоман
as Чан
as Максим Шапиро
as Полкан
as наркоман
as оперуполномоченный
as браток
as диктор
as Кощей
as Ника
as опер
as наркоманка
as стриптизёрша
as друг Шпака
Full cast details coming soon!