The show takes place from 1944 to 2002 and follows the lives of three families: the Crawfords, who seek to cover up the Roswell crash and the existence of aliens; the Keys, who are subject to frequent experimentation by the aliens; and the Clarkes, who sheltered one of the surviving aliens from the crash.
as Allie Keys
as Dr. Chet Wakeman
as Lisa Clarke
as Mary Crawford
as Owen Crawford
as Charlie Keys
as Marty Erickson
as Tom Clarke
as Nina Toth
as John
as General Beers
as Eric Crawford
as Becky Clarke
as Russell Keys
as Amelia Keys
as Sally Clarke
as Howard Bowen
as Jesse Keys
as Ray Morrison
as Anne Crawford
as Captain Walker
as Dale Watson
as Julie Crawford
as Jacob Clarke
as Dr. Kreutz
as Dewey Clayton
as Colonel Breck
as Jacob Clarke (Child)
as Dr. Harriet Penzler
as Lt. Pierce
as Jesse Keys (Teen)
as Lt. Williams
as Bill Walker
as Dr. Ellen Greenspan
as Lt. Keel
as Mary Crawford (Child)
as Charlie Keys (Child)
as Lisa Clarke (Child)
Full cast details coming soon!