The series is adapted from the ancient-style detective work of the comic artist RC, titled "White Cat Legend," and it tells the story of the mysterious new Assistant Minister of Dali Temple, Li Bing, leading the members of Dali Temple on thrilling investigations and adventures while safeguarding their inner sense of justice. The story takes place in the imperial capital under the rule of the empress. During a banquet at the Tang Palace, Li Bing, who is highly regarded by the empress, is appointed as the Assistant Minister of Dali Temple. Within Dali Temple, Chen Shi, Wang Qi, Alibaba, Cui Bei, and Sun Bao work together under the guidance of the newly appointed Assistant Minister, Li Bing, to unravel the layers of mist in the imperial capital. They support each other and defy their fate while upholding their inner sense of justice.
as Li Bing
as Chen Shi
as Qiu Qing Zhi
as Cui Bei
as Sun Bao
as Wang Qi
as A Li Ba Ba
as Shangguan Qin
as Hu Ji
as Lai Zhong Shu
as Yi Zhi Hua
as Hu Si
as Wu Yi Ren
as Yuan Bu Er
as Li Ji
as Wang Qimu
as Yuan Wai Lang Mei
as Sheng Ren
as Sun Xiaoying
as Xiao Liu
as Qin Shu
Full cast details coming soon!