Valentina, Anastasia, Polina and Rita are women from four different generations. Each of them solves their life problems in their own way, seeks love, builds a career, struggles with disappointments and learns to be happy despite the difficulties they have to overcome. They are united by friendship, work and problems that are close to any woman.
as Валентина Калашникова
as Анастасия Дворжец
as Полина Ананьева
as Рита Логинова
as Дмитрий Калашников
as Руслан Тагитов
as Тамара Лесная
as Дмитрий в юности
as Смерч (художник граффити)
as Людмила Логинова
as Ирина Коликова
as Серов
as Андрей Ананьев
as эпизод
Full cast details coming soon!